Sunday, November 6, 2016

To My Roommates

Living with these three guys has taught me a lot.

First things first: I'm not as great as I think I am.

Sharing a house with three guys has really shown me my insecurity.
I'm always trying to prove myself.
Always trying to be the "man of the house."
Always trying to be better than the others.

My identity isn't secure in Christ, 
instead it's wrapped up in what other people think of me.

Second thing: I'm beyond lazy.

I don't do the best job of cleaning up.
I mean, if nessecary I will.
Thank goodness we have Freshmen Movie Night at our house on tuesdays,
or this house would never get cleaned.
But I'll always leave wrappers on the couch, or laundry on my floor. 
Let's not even mention my car.

Main thing, I'm too much of a slob.

Third thing: I need people who are excited with me.

Big thing I've realized is that having roommates is just a small taste of marriage.
I chose to live with these three guys, 
and with that comes learning how to operate around each other.

With that in mind, another thing living with these guys has taught me,
is that I really need to marry someone who loves the same things I do.
Or at the very least, loves to see me excited about those things.
This isn't me throwing shade.
They're allowed to love their own things, and not to love mine.
 But sometimes it's just super draining.
I'm a super passionate person, and when I love something,
I really love it.
And when I'm really passionate about something, I love to talk about.
I love to discuss it. Love to dive in deep as to why I love it. 

I just... don't really feel like I can do that with them.


I think they've also shown me a glimpse of God's grace.

I mean. They haven't kicked me out yet, have they?

There's a lot of love in my heart for these guys.
There's so many laughs, and wonderful experiences, and incredible things
 that living with these guys has brought me.
And man, I'm unbelievably thankful for them.
Even if they eat my leftovers, or get in my bed without asking,
or even purposefully screwing me over in Super Smash,
there's still so much love for each of them.

You guys have shown me what living for Christ should look like.
You put up with my insecurity,
you tolerate my laziness,
you'll even let me show you that incredible GoPro Lion video.
You even help me work with and around my anxiety.

You've shown me His love and grace and I consider myself incredibly blessed.

 So thanks guys.
Here's to a few more semesters, I hope.

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